Experience unrivalled value and a wealth of impressive features with the Arizer XQ2 dry herb vaporizer. Customize your vaping session by choosing between a balloon system or utilizing the silicone whip, and easily adjust the temperature with full digital control. With both onboard and remote controls, as well as unique lighting that sets it apart from the competition, this vaporizer offers the ultimate user experience. Enjoy rapid heat-up times, flavourful vapour, and superior ceramic convection heating, all enhanced by open airflow and premium glass components.
Product Features:
- Whip System, Balloon System, & Aromatherapy
- Advanced Ceramic Convection Technology
- Re-Engineered, Optimized, Isolated Airflow
- High Quality Borosilicate Glass Parts
- Upgraded Custom Session Settings
- Multi-Color Base & Heater LEDs
- Programmable Remote Control
- User-Friendly OS
- 3-Speed Fan
- Replaceable Air Intake Filter
The Arizer XQ2 vaporizer comes with a three-year manufacturer's warranty, and a lifetime on the ceramic heating element.
What's Included:
1 x Arizer XQ2 Vaporizer
1 x Power Adapter Charger
1 x XQ2 Remote Control
1 x Glass Cloud Chamber
1 x Glass Flavor Chamber
2 x Tuff BowlGrips
1 x Glass Aromatherapy Dish
1 x 3” Silicone Whip
1 x Glass Mini Whip Attachment
1 x Glass Balloon Mouthpiece
1 x Balloon Connector
2 x Balloon Bags
1 x Balloon Cap
1 x Airpath Filter Cartridge
1 x Stainless Steel Stir Tool
1 x Dome Screen
1 x Flat Screen
1 x Aromatic Botanicals
1 x Owner’s Manual
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